Samsung’s upcoming smartphones, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3, will also come with a premium version, priced at Rs 35 lakh. Russian luxury brand Caviar will be releasing this premium variant of the phone. After the official launch of Caviar’s regular devices, both will introduce the luxury variant of smartphones. Samsung will launch both of these smartphones in the Galaxy Unpacked event on August 11.
Galaxy Z Flip 3 Caviar Edition
In this phone, a total of 419 precious stones from the Katerina Colourway are used with Caviar Vibrant Colors, giving the phone a pricey look. The phone features a skull design based on art by Diego Rivera’s husband Frida Kahlo. Designed by Caviar, the Galaxy Z Flip 3 uses 18 city white gold with diamond, sapphire and emerald.
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Caviar Galaxy produces just 20 units of Flipd Flip 3 and costs $ 46,460 (approx. Rs. 34.45 lakh) per unit. Apart from credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay, Bitcoin can also be used to purchase this phone designed by Caviar.
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Galaxy Z Fold 3 Caviar Edition
Designed by Caviar, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 comes with a dark look. This included the Fiery Skull Company, a symbol of the Scandinavian Fire King Giant Cert. The body of this phone is made of black titanium and its skull is made of polished titanium. The company used ruby ​​in the eyes of the skull. The company sells 99 units of the Ragnarok Z FOLD 3 and costs $ 10,770 per unit (about Rs 8 lakh).