All cricket fans eagerly awaited the five-match Test series between India and England. The first match of the series will be held in Nottingham from today. Former India cricketer and cricket analyst Sanjay Manjrekar has said a few things about Rohit Sharma before the series, which may inject Rohit fans. Manjrekar believes the Test series is of great importance to Rohit Sharma and that if he fails to score, he may be dropped from the Test team. The last time India toured England, Rohit Sharma put pressure on Rohit Sharma, who shared 50 plus runs twice in the opening couple of innings.
Prior to the start of the series, Sanjay Manjrekar, as a Test batsman, said that the series was going to end for Rohit or not. In his column for the Hindustan Times, Manjrekar wrote, “As a Test batsman, this series will be a make-or-break for Rohit Sharma because there is no benefit to having a batsman who has played 40 Tests, aged 34 and only on India’s pitch.” He played just one Test in England and scored 34. In the final of the World Test Championship, Rohit started well but was dismissed for 34 and 30 in both innings.
Rohit Sharma, who scored 648 runs in the 2019 World Cup, is not a big hit in Test cricket. He started to open Test cricket a while ago, but his bat has only played in the home series so far. His performance in Test cricket outside India is not. In such a situation, speculation about Rohit’s Test future has begun.