Home India Sathya 21 October 2020 Spoiler: Kathir gets angry at Sadashivam | Sathya...

Sathya 21 October 2020 Spoiler: Kathir gets angry at Sadashivam | Sathya 21 October 2020 Episode

Sathya 21 October 2020 Spoiler: Kathir gets angry at Sadashivam | Sathya 21 October 2020 Episode – In Previous installment, Kathir’s mother, sister and friends arrive at Soumya’s house to meet the newlyweds. After several unsuccessful attempts, Anita and Weerasingham finally get a chance to diminish Kathir’s friends.

They use it too much. Anita and Weerasingham convey derogatory comments about Katier’s friends and ruin their outfit, which hurts the latter. Sathya realizes the actions of Anita and Weerasingham and decides to teach them a lesson. She is gifted with a new dress by Saravanan, a friend of Kathir, which irritates the latter.

Saravan insults Qatar And in front of all his friends. However, the facts intervene and sort out the situation. Meanwhile Prabhu and Qatier take her family to her room to discuss the truth. Anita and Weerasingham follow them to find out what the truth is with them.

In PromoSadashivam, angry at Soumya and Katir’s marriage, makes derogatory remarks about his mother and sister. He asks Kathir’s family and friends not to come back to their house. He says Kathir and his family had other motives behind marrying their son Souma. Anita also supports Sadashivam. Sadashivam’s accusation has hurt Katheer’s mother who burst into tears. Katheer is angry because Sadashivam insulted his mother. But, truth begs him to maintain his calm.

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