Home Written Update Sembaruthi 11th February 2021 Written Update: Vadivel laughs at his condition

Sembaruthi 11th February 2021 Written Update: Vadivel laughs at his condition

Sembaruthi 11th February 2021 Written Update: Vadivel laughs at his condition

At midnight the serial begins by asking how they can send Bhawani alone to Mahesh’s house. Singaravellen suggests taking Bhavani to Mahesh’s house. Parvati asks her to let him go with Singaravellen, with Bhavani agreeing to it. Arun points to the victory of Arun Parvati at Akhila’s mansion. Aishwarya agrees with him. Purushotaman says he wants to celebrate it beautifully but is worried about Akhila’s reaction.

Aishwarya says that Akhila does not oppose. Arun says that he can have Mum, he initially hesitated to hand over the project to Parvati, so he does not know if he considers Skin Sheet success to be a victory. He asks the man to talk to his mother about this and get her permission. Aishwarya also agrees. Arun gets a call. She asks Aishwarya to attend the call as she has to discuss with Purushotaman about the celebration.

Aishwarya says she wants to talk to Belgian company owner Clement Akhila. If Akhila does not promise them, he will give the project to someone else. They wonder what to do. Akhila herself does not trust Parvati on this project, how she assures Clement.

When Clement telephones Arun again, the Belgian company owner with Purushotaman Akhila says he wants to talk to her. The second she entrusted Arun with all the responsibilities of the project, then why he wants to talk to her. Purushottan says Clement is insisting. Speaking with Akhila Clement. She assures him that she is in the final stages of clinical testing and will soon begin producing products.

Purushotaman is glad to hear Akhila. He shares the same with Arun and Aishwarya. He was surprised and delighted with the promise of Akhila Clement. They decide to celebrate it. While they were discussing, Akhila got there. He says he promised Clement that he did not want to break his trust in Parvati. He says he does not trust Parvati. Parvati has passed the Skin Sheet test, which is just the concept stage. She asks not to act like children and leaves.

Vanja has brought Parvati cream to check on her skin. She shares the same with Uma. Asks Vadivel. When they go to the washroom for a face wash, they mix bleaching power with vadivel cream. Vanja thinks about applying Uma cream before leaving the washroom. She puts the cream all over her face.

After a while, she begins to feel irritation on her skin. Uma tries to stop Vanja from rubbing her face, but Vanja doesn’t listen to her. Vanaja also felt irritation on her skin. She scolds Uma for not warning her before. Vadivel laughs at his condition.

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