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Shaadi Mubarak 13th February 2021 Written Update: KT and love meeting their client Dev and Meera

Shaadi Mubarak 13th February 2021 Written Update: KT and love meeting their client Dev and Meera. They say they are not fighting each other for the first time and KT and love thank them for realizing their love. Preity smiles at KT as they explain about their son Varun’s wedding. There are constant calls for love at that moment, but KT looks at her phone. She’s sorry to receive the call when she sees KT bothering her.

Dev and Mira forgive themselves for what KT has lost. He goes to love and reminds her of her words about not using the phone at meetings. He questions her about the person who calls her when she steals her phone back to get away from her personal life. When he gets angry and leaves, she demands him to live his life according to his rules. Love cries and tells her to mail her tickets soon.

Neil explains to Priyanka how love has won Neela’s heart and asked her to do the same. She has already tried but when they answer that she is not giving them any chance they ask her to win her family’s heart. Neil holds her shoulder and asks her to give him some time while she nods.

Dev and Mira try to dance but stumble. KT and Preity look at them when they say they planned to surprise their son with a dance performance at their wedding but they couldn’t do it. KT smiles and offers her help.

They dance gracefully with Mira, but they request to dance with love so that they can learn by watching them. Love somehow convinced and starts dancing with Katie but then remembers his words about the kiss and pushes him back. She goes from there when he looks at her with a confused expression.

Love wipes tears when KT gets there and asks about her problem. She says she has danced plenty of times but what happened to her today? To which they reply that they must begin to maintain a professional relationship between themselves. KT is horrified and repeats her words. He forgets her past and asks her to continue when she sees him. He tells her that the customer is waiting for her and she goes from there when she follows him.

KT and love see each other (Ik Tara Slow Edition plays) KT keeps her close, without breaking her eye contact. The two danced intimately and gracefully as Dev recorded his video. Then with love KT along with Meera and Dev teach them dance steps.

Suspicions about the man who KT sees love ringing her phone and constantly calling her? He takes the beloved phone without telling her and goes in and thinks he is not doubting her but if she is in any problem or he should know! He takes the number from his phone, at which point Love comes in and asks what he is doing with her phone.

He lied to KT that he was only going to give it to her. He hands it to her when she sees it. She tells him that she wants to meet Kusum and Juhi because she has spent their time with him, but she replies that she can do anything because there is no one to interfere with her life.

KT sits on her bed and remembers love. He went to her sofa and slept, holding her pillows. He avoids her presence and intends to call her but then leaves the idea. He gets up and calls the number she took from her phone. She is shocked when Preeti asks that she apply for a job in a marriage company. He cuts the call and murmurs that Preity is trying to leave him and Shaadi Mubarak. He remembers her words and is disturbed.

Precap: – KT stands on top of the bus and declares that her heart is beating for love. He accepts his love for her and asks her to return to him. Her bus passes while KT keeps looking for her.

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