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Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Spoiler: Is this the beginning of a new beginning between bravery and Anokhi?

Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Spoiler: Is this the beginning of a new beginning between bravery and Anokhi?

Valor Anor Anokhi ki kahani Star Plus is doing a great job of attracting viewers despite its new appearance. Its gripping storyline and concept keeps viewers hooked to their television screens every evening at 7pm. Upcoming installments of the show will witness a new change in the lives of bravery and Anokhi.

On the current track, viewers watched how SIAC did so with Anokhi by favoring the bully gang / rich students. In despair, Anokhi warned the police or the press that he would not provide justice.

The angry bully gang played another game by calling the press at SIAC in an attempt to make Anoki fall more into the eyes of institutions and escape any punishment for his crime. Shaurya confronts Anokhi with anger, where the two warn each other. In Kapurthala, Raja was slapped by an Asta Mom for molesting her.

Everyone is blaming Anokhi for everything Sabharwals, Bhatias and Bhallas, but the young women of the SIAC and Bhatias neighborhoods have praised Anokhi’s courage. The bully gang did not stop here and tried to vent their frustration on Anokhi’s friends. Anokhi reached out in time and saved her friends. She tried to encourage him not to be holy and fight instead. “If they’re with the truth, they don’t have to be holy to anything,” he said. He asked for it.

Now in the upcoming installment, if bravery decides to reach the truth and the real culprits, Anokhi also decides to seek justice. Thus Bravery and Anokhi will be appearing at the Valentine’s Day party. Assuming he wants to prove himself wrong in the Rouging and Harassment case, Shaurya is trying to figure out who called the media, and Anokhi sees him and misunderstands his motives. Believing the sources clear up some of their misunderstandings of bravery and Anokhi and share a romantic dance together. Next they get a confession by fooling Anmol together. According to sources, Raja also reaches Anokhi’s college and creates some drama or obstruction in Anokhi’s path to success.

Is this the beginning of a new beginning between bravery and Anokhi? How do the Sabarwals react to his move to help Anokhi get justice? Will Anokhi be able to face a new problem in the form of a king? Will Shaurya help Anoki escape the new plan against Raja?

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