Home Written Update Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Written Update 23rd January 2021

Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Written Update 23rd January 2021

Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Written Update 23rd January 2021The upcoming episode of Shaurya Anokhi Ki Kahani begins where you see Anokhi giving the right answer to bravery and says she won a debate competition at her college. They say that if they get a chance to discuss for the Sabharwal Institute in the future, they will definitely participate and win. Bravery starts to let her down with questions but she knows all the answers to his question of whether it has anything to do with social, English, economics. Shaurya asks her to explain economics in an easy way, then she says yes. His uncle kept looking at her and she was very capable.

Then she explains economics in an easy way and she is shocked because she explains it in a very easy way. Then very few female professors say they need to know about cultural activities if they want to gain access to Anokhi. Then Anokhi says she knows the song well and won the first prize in the “Gidda” contest. She says she can sing too, Shawn says that’s not part of education, and here we take her interview.

After that, Shawn says that cultural activities are also a very important thing, and he tells her that she can sing. She starts singing in a very melodic way and all the members are impressed by her. Shaurya then tells her it’s okay, but now it’s time to ask questions related to Hindi. We begin to think of her as a password in Hindi and Anokhi, and he asks her if bravery even begins to make a stopwatch. Then Anokhi answers him and Shawn is proud of her, and he is happy for her too.

Shaun then admires her and she thanks him, and tells him that Shaurya’s uncle has to wait outside for the outcome. Shaurya then starts to blame her in front of the professors, and even his uncle says that Shawn is already here. So he may have already told her all the answers. Then Shawn tells him that someone else will set up a question paper and that they too will know the question after coming to this room.

Shawn tells them that they are doing wrong with her, she is an amazing student and she should get admission here. Shaurya then says that he is very smart and not good for another student who is learning here. Shawn then tells Shaurya, “This is not the right place for hostility. After asking this lady professor Shaurya, does he know her already? He says yes and she says that she has been here for 2 days. Then they say to the professor. Says.

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