The next installment of the PM Kisan Samman Fund will be in your account a few days later. More than 12.11 crore farmers are waiting for the August-November or 9th installment of this project. According to some media reports and sources, the Ministry of Agriculture may transfer the money to the Farmers Account by August 9. However, this has not yet been determined. In your case, the money comes in an installment only when you write the FTO and the payment confirmation is pending.
To know what is happening now in your state, first go to PM Kisan portal This is where you get the ‘Farmer’s Corner’ option. After clicking on the ‘beneficiary status’ option, you will open a new page. In this new page, select an option from the Aadhaar number, bank account number or mobile number and click Get Data.
What does this mean in terms of status?
- If you see yourself waiting for state approval in your condition, understand that there is a slight delay in getting Rs 2000. Your state government has not yet approved sending the 2000 amount to your account.
- On the other hand, if you are getting an RFT signature from the state for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th in your condition, this means that the beneficiary data is verified by the state government. The state government requests the center to send money to the beneficiary’s account.
- And the FTO’s message appears in the status quo if it is generated and the payment confirmation pending. This means your installment will soon be transferred to your bank account. The full form of the FTO is a fund transfer order. This means your installment amount is ready and orders have been issued by the government to send it to your bank account.