WhatsApp, the most used instant messaging platform, brings special features to its users every day. In this case, many times we don’t even know about the useful feature in WhatsApp. Messages sent with the Delete Message feature in WhatsApp are deleted. With its help, users can delete a message sent at a given time. But sometimes we have to read the deleted message. So let us tell you a trick today, with the help of which you can also read messages deleted by someone. Let’s find out.
You can use an app called WAMR to read deleted messages again. With the help of this app, you can recover deleted messages and status. This app allows you to retrieve deleted messages sent by the sender before you read them. In addition, you can download status updates of others from WhatsApp with the help of this app. Let’s talk about how this op works.
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How to use WAMR
To install this app, download and install it from the Google Play Store. Now you need to select the apps you want the tool to capture notifications from. It includes WhatsApp, Telegram and Instagram. Once this is done, the app will ask you for multiple permissions to capture notifications. Once everything is set up, you can find all incoming notifications, including those that are deleted within the interface of WAMR. If you have an auto-download for media files, the App also allows you to use them. Once WAMR starts capturing, any deleted messages can be viewed in the app’s interface, which looks like WhatsApp’s main screen.
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How the op works
To view deleted messages, your notifications require access to WAMR. Giving notification access allows the app to retrieve deleted messages without trying to log in to your WhatsApp account, which can result in account bans. Once captured, the app uses its stored data to show you deleted messages, even if the sender deletes the message.