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The official handle of the US president tweeted the transfer of OT Potus to Biden

On opening day in the US, the tweeter has decided that the official president’s account, OT Potas, will be returned to Don Biden by Joe Biden. Although President Trump has refused to accept the election results, the tweeter says this official account will be transferred to Biden.

In addition, other official accounts, such as the White House, @VP, and @Flootus, will also be moved to the new administration. In fact, a Twitter spokesperson told CBS News on January 20, 2021 that Twitter was preparing to convert to a White House corporate Twitter account. As it did in 2017, the entire process will be completed with the advice of the National Records and Records Administration. “

This Twitter handle was previously transferred to Trump by former President Barack Obama. Existing tweets are archived before transfer and an account is created and handed over to the incoming administration with zero tweets.

Let me tell you, Trump has refused to accept the election results. Biden has secured the necessary electoral votes to win the election. Some states have certified the results. At the same time, the General Service Administration, which oversees the presidential transition, has also issued a letter confirming Biden’s victory.


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