Home INL Desk These 5 Acupressure Points will help you lose weight

These 5 Acupressure Points will help you lose weight

Acupressure is one such method that can reduce your weight by pressing certain points on your body parts. Research shows that by properly pressing on acupressure points, your thyroid gland is stimulated, making your metabolism work faster and you begin to lose weight.

Learn what research says about acupressure

The research is available on the NCBI website. According to research, suppressing the acupressure point regulates the desire to eat food, which can help you lose weight. According to other research, it increases adiponectin production. Adiponectin is a type of protein hormone that helps control weight gain.

Other research suggests that acupressure alone or in combination with other treatments may help reduce body mass index (BMI).

OSMJMS research

The Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences has done a research. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of body acupressure with body weight loss, routine laboratory tests.

How the study was done

The study was performed on 80 obese patients. They are divided into three groups according to their body mass index. Subjects were given acupressure for three to six months with a low-calorie diet.

In the end, the acupressure process was found to help those people lose weight and reduce inflammatory problems.

So let’s learn the right way to suppress the acupoint that reduces weight.

1 Shugo Spot

The area of ​​the top of your lips and the bottom of the nose is called the shugau spot. First, place the finger in the middle part of the nose and upper lip, pressing the finger in a circular motion for about two to three minutes, moving it at this point. It reduces weight.

2 ankles

You can do this after exercise. It relaxes the body and removes fatigue. Place two fingers at this point. This point is 5 cm above the outside of the foot. Slowly press it through your thumb for 1 minute every day. You can do a circular massage for two to three minutes at a time. Do the same with the other leg. It definitely reduces weight.


3 navel

This pressure point is four inches above the navel. Research shows that pressing acupressure points reduces hip and abdominal fat and improves body fat. Place your two fingers on the pressure point, then press the area with a slight force. After that you can massage the area in a circular motion for two minutes.

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4 ears

Let us tell you that appetite can be controlled by pressing a point on the ear. This point is in the triangular part of the outer ear. Lightly press one of your fingers over the pressure point and open and close your mouth for 1 minute. Do this in the other ear too, you will definitely benefit from doing this.

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5th thumb

There is a point between the thumb and the finger. Because your thyroid gland is stimulated, your metabolism works faster. This will help you lose weight. So for this you need to press the pressure point for a short time. Then you should massage in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes and do the same procedure on the other hand.

But keep in mind that acupressure is a skillful style. With acupressure, you may experience muscle pain in the wrong way. That is why it is necessary to do this at the beginning only under the guidance of skilled instructors.

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