Home INL Desk This Ayurvedic lemon-jaggery drink eliminates belly fat quickly, learn what is the...

This Ayurvedic lemon-jaggery drink eliminates belly fat quickly, learn what is the right way and the benefits of making it

Weight Loss Drink: Eating healthy and exercising regularly is the best and simplest way to lose weight. But sometimes due to lack of time, people increase their weight by several kilos due to lack of attention to food or lack of time for exercise. If you are also disturbed by your increasing weight and belly fat, this Ayurvedic lemon-jaggery drink can help alleviate your problems. What’s special is that you can make this drink by yourself at home. Let us know how.

Ingredients for drinking ayurvedic lemon-jaggery
– Bella
– Lemon

Make this kind of lemon-jaggery drink-
Take a cup of lukewarm water and mix a teaspoon of jaggery powder in it. Now mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with water in this glass. Mix both things well again. Your weight loss drink is ready. You can consume this drink daily on an empty stomach to lose weight and reduce belly fat.

How does this drink work?
Many nutrients such as minerals, fiber, carbohydrates and proteins in jaggery are effective in reducing obesity. Potassium in jaggery accelerates metabolism and helps maintain the balance of the electrode balance. On the other hand, fiber in jaggery helps the digestive system function by helping digestion. This is because the fat stored in the body begins to decrease automatically.

How lemon helps you lose weight
Polyphenol antioxidants found in lemon help to control weight effectively. These antioxidants help reduce bad cholesterol by preventing the accumulation of fat in the body. Apart from being low in calories, jaggery has immune boosting properties. When combined with jaggery and lemon, it helps to reduce the fat accumulated in the body by keeping the digestive and respiratory system at bay.

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