Home Breaking News To control weight, drink an Ayurvedic decoction made of three ingredients daily,...

To control weight, drink an Ayurvedic decoction made of three ingredients daily, which eliminates tiredness

We don’t do anything to lose weight, but sometimes the side effects of eating habits and heavy workouts start to lose weight and this affects our immune system. Today we are going to tell you the Ayurvedic decoction which is very beneficial for you. It is very effective in preventing coronavirus disease. Come on, let’s learn how to make this decoction –

This brew consists of three things
This brew contains cinnamon, black pepper and ginger. These three things are considered good for improving digestion. Cinnamon helps improve body fat breakdown. However, ginger can help improve immunity and fight off fluctuating symptoms in seasonal variations.

These three things are needed
Cinnamon – 1 stick
Black pepper – a pinch
Ginger – 1/2 tsp, grated

Ayurvedic decoction that strengthens the metabolism
Take a bowl and add water to it. Let it boil.
Once the water has boiled enough, add all the ingredients in it and let them cook.
You are ready to decoction. Drink it twice a day for best results.

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