Home Breaking News UP: Teachers need to be given TET for recruitment in inter-colleges

UP: Teachers need to be given TET for recruitment in inter-colleges

Teachers now have to pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) to gain admission to secondary schools in Uttar Pradesh. For this purpose, TET-3 means the third stage test. This system applies to all high schools and intercollegiate schools (ninth to twelfth standard), regardless of government and aid. Its outline will be ready for the 2021-22 academic session. The TET is expected to be made compulsory in the post-2023 appointment. This will be implemented under the new education policy. As of now, there are two different levels of TETs for grades one through eighth.

The LT grade Teacher Service Manual will be amended for the new system. So far, recruitment in government schools is done through written examination by the Public Service Commission and Secondary Education Service Selection Commission in assisted schools. But after this amendment, teachers must first pass the TET. In addition, academic coefficient will be included in the written test, interview and teaching performance for teacher recruitment. So far, recruitment is taking place on the basis of written examination by the Public Service Commission. There are separate teacher eligibility tests for grades one to five and grades 6 to 8. This is a third level examination which is valid for high school and intercollegiate schools. For this, coordination will be established between the Board of Secondary Education and the Test Control Authority.

Eligible teachers are selected from the TET, the level of study improves
Eligible teachers are available from the Teacher Eligibility Test. This will ensure the quality of education and teachers. There have been many cases of teachers being hired on the basis of duplicate certificates, as recruitment is taking place on the basis of educational coefficient. TET prevents this fraud. A written test has already been made mandatory for the recruitment of primary and secondary education teachers.

UPET 2020: TET is proposed on March 7, awaiting approval, UPETET examination due to Corona could not be conducted in 2020

Vacancies will be counted until 2025
There is a technology based system for estimating the number of vacancies for teachers and there is no waiting. By 2025, vacancies for teachers and non-teaching staff will be counted in June 2021 from the Manav Wealth Portal and other sources and the proposal will be sent to the selected agency within the time limit. A yearly calendar of teacher recruitment will also be made.

Admission to subsidized schools by April 2021
According to the new Education Policy Action Plan of the Department of Secondary Education, recruitment of all vacancies in subsidized schools should be made by April 2021. However, this is not possible because the advertisement for the recruitment of 15508 teachers has been canceled for more than two months and so far the Secondary Education Service Selection Commission has not been able to remove the advertisement for the appointment. Due to the panchayat elections, this appointment is difficult till April. It takes three to four months from the application process to the written examination.


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