UPMSP UP Board Exam 2021: UP Board Inter exams will be held from April 24 to May 12, Board exams in 15 days

UP Board Primary School and Intermediate Exams are due to start on April 24. The Board of Secondary Education released a detailed test program on Wednesday. Exams for both classes are due to end in May. Matriculation and Inter exams will end on May 10th. The tests are being conducted within a month, ie 15 days. The high school exams are completed in 12 days, while the gap tests are completed in 15 days. This time around 56 lakh students will be added to the board exam. Of these, 29 lakh high schools and 26 lakh are sitting for inter-examination. The tests are being conducted in two phases from 8 am to 11.15 am and 2 pm to 5.15 pm.

April 24 Hindi –

April 28 – Bookkeeping and Accounting
April 28 – Geography
April 28 – For Business Organization and Correspondence Commerce
April 28 – Home Science

April 29 – Economics and Commercial Geography
30 April – Computer

1 May 2021 – English

Chemistry and History on May 4th
Biology and Mathematics on May 6th
Mathematics and Preliminary Statistics on May 10th
Sanskrit on May 11th
Citizens on May 12th

See Inter’s main topics datasheet here


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