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‘Water’ picks up after burning ‘Quran Sharif’, violence, arson and stone pelting on police

Stockholm: In the southern city of Malmö on Friday, some right-wing activists burnt the Quran, a religious book of Muslims, following which violence erupted in the area. Hundreds of people took to the streets. Amid sloganeering, the protesters threw stones at policemen and personnel of the rescue team. Tires were burnt on the roads and an attempt was made to block the wheel. During this time 15 protesters were taken into custody.

According to the TT News Agency, after the incident of burning Quran, suddenly some people gathered on Friday evening. Burning of tires, etc. spread a smog in the entire area. Some people also suffered injuries in the stone pelting. The police had to struggle a lot to get control of the situation. After this incident, three people were arrested for inciting hatred against an ethnic group. The Chief of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations has strongly condemned the incident. A spokesman for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations said that the incident of burning of a religious book by fundamentalists is highly reprehensible.

Giving the information, Nihal Saad, spokesperson of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, said that Miguel Moratinos has called upon religious leaders of all religions to condemn this kind of violence on the basis of religious faith. He said that incidents of this type promote enmity between communities. This is against the values ​​of the United Nations, which works to strengthen inter-religious relationships.

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