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What is best for healthy hair: Eating ghee or applying it directly to the hair, we will tell you the solution

Most of us use ghee in many ways in our daily lives. GheePure ghee) Our food is not delicious., Instead, it is very beneficial to our health. According to Ayurveda, eating ghee has many health benefits. But did you know that ghee is also very beneficial to our hair? But when it comes to hair, most people are confused about whether it is better to eat ghee or apply it.

Desi ghee is an excellent source of healthy fats

2014 According to a study published in the Journal of Food Research and Technology, Fats are essential fatty acids such as linolenic acid and arachidonic acid (Linolenic acid and arachidonic acid), Short-chain fatty acids, Vitamin A is soluble in fat,D,E and K, It is rich in antioxidants.

As well as iron, Copper, Trace elements such as carotenoids are abundant in desi ghee. However, The amount of these nutrients can vary from one manufacturer to another. In general, Ghee 100% Fat, It does not contain any kind of protein or carbohydrate. The best thing about ghee is that it is lactose free (Lactose free) It will be so.

How Ghee Can Be Healthy

Usually we add ghee to dal or vegetables to enhance the taste of the food and the nutritional value of it. But other than that, there are many reasons why we should include ghee in our diet.

According to Ayurvedic experts, ghee is very beneficial in relieving indigestion. In addition, it also helps eliminate the problem of constipation and removes toxins from the body.

Vitamin in ghee A,E. and antioxidants are abundant. Consuming ghee helps the body overcome its nutritional deficiencies.

Many doctors recommend that women add ghee to their daily diet. Especially pregnant women. This is because it works to strengthen bones and immunity.

Consuming ghee will keep your skin moisturized and glow on your face. Just like that, It is shiny hair from the inside and from the outside, Makes it soft and healthy.

Antioxidants in ghee have anti-viral properties. So if a person is often sick, Therefore, giving them ghee regularly can improve their immunity.

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It is best to brush the hair

Desi ghee is rich in nutrients. It also causes hair loss, Along with thick and shiny it helps to grow new hair. Consuming ghee is very beneficial to our overall health. But when we talk about the health of our hair and skin, Therefore, applying ghee directly is more effective.

Know that it is more beneficial to brush your hair

Ghee is considered to be very effective in Ayurveda. Greasing the hair will cause the hair to grow faster. Moreover, the hair can also be smooth and shiny. It also helps to make the hair thicker and darker. For this, massage your scalp regularly with desi ghee made from cow’s milk.

Eliminates dandruff problem

Desi or pure ghee is very useful in getting rid of dandruff problem. Regular massage of the scalp with ghee will help get rid of dandruff. At the same time, it reduces the dryness of the scalp and brings moisture to it.

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Desi Ghee is the solution for damaged hair

Lack of moisture, Dry and damaged hair is one of the main causes. The healthy and rich fatty acids found in ghee improve hydration and promote hydration. It nourishes the scalp and hair follicles. And there is a solution to the problem of damaged hair.

Fixes hair texture

Dyeing the ghee directly on the hair and scalp gives the hair texture extra softness and shine. For this, by heating a tablespoon of ghee, Dip your fingers in it and rub it gently on your scalp and hair. Leave it on for a few hours and rinse with shampoo.

Can be used as a conditioner

It can be used as a hair conditioner overnight. For this, you need to leave the ghee on your hair throughout the night. You can cover the hair with a shower cap to protect the hair from dirt.

Beneficial for hair growth

Massage with hot ghee does not improve hair condition, Instead, blood circulation in the scalp is faster. It is beneficial for making your hair thicker and longer and for faster hair growth.


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