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When should you eat a salad to lose weight? Have a good time

Salad enhances the taste of food. Did you know that eating a salad with food is detrimental to health, especially if it doesn’t taste like much? Come on, learn interesting things about eating salad

Not a salad with food
When you eat a salad with food, you don’t get the full nutrition. In such a situation, when you are hungry or have your lunch and dinner schedule, eat at least half an hour before the salad. After this, have lunch or dinner. It gives your body full nutrition and eliminates overeating.

Eating this type of salad helps control weight
If you eat a salad properly, it will help keep the weight under control. It helps keep our digestive system healthy and clears the stomach. It prevents excess fat from accumulating in the body and protects us from overeating and weighs us down.

Why not eat a salad with food
Salads are cool at temperature and food is hot at temperatures. When raw and cooked foods are consumed together, it puts extra pressure on our digestive system because we need extra energy to digest it. Also, such foods take longer to digest, which can sometimes confuse the digestive system.

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