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Yaaradi Nee Mohini 10th February 2021 Written Update: Shweta agreed and finished the call

Yaaradi Nee Mohini 10th February 2021 Written Update: Shweta agreed and finished the call

Today begins with the serialized vanilla photo cut into pieces. Maruti questions why you are showing your anger in the photo. Shweta was very talkative. She asked me to wait eight months. How dare she say this.

Shweta smokes and doubts that someone will guide her. Maruti asks Swetha what is your plan. Shweta says I will teach you a lesson. Maruti asks for her plan. Shweta says I know foreigners who are intoxicated. Now they are in Pondicherry. Shweta says I am going to ruin Vanilla’s life and laugh.

Maruti asks how you are ruining her life. Swetha shares her plan by saying I will send the foreigner to the resort. They hide the drugs inside the pearl chamber. He will then inform the police. Mutturasan will be arrested by the police. Of course, vanilla begs for me.

How’s my plan? Poongothai intervenes and says this will not happen. Swetha looks at Poongothai. Poongothai says our plan fails whenever we plan. Shweta says this time it happens. Poongothai argues with Shweta.

Shweta says that this time I will challenge you to marry Muthurasan. Poongothai asks Shweta if your plan fails. I execute Plan B, I execute Plan B if Plan B fails. Maruti asks Plan B and C. Swetha shares her plans with Maruti. Maruti prefers her. Shweta will meet the foreigners. Shweta goes and informs Poongothai.

Chitra’s soul listens to the conversation. Chitra decides to kill Shweta. Take a look at the Chitra Vanilla photo and join the photo and say I will save you in all cases and disappear. On the other side, the family reaches the resort. Everyone expresses their happiness.

He gets out of the van. Simabran sees the resort through binoculars. Later, Uttara hears binoculars and sees the resort and the beach. Uttara is passionate. Rudra controls Uttara. Utara is calmly reminiscent. Muthurasan asks to take his luggage. Vanilla brings the carrier in his hand. Muthurasan scoffs at the vanilla. Swetha Muthurasan sends a photo to John. John identifies Muthurasan. Muthurasan meets the manager to get the keys.

Manager Muthurasan advertises about the resort. Suddenly, John intervenes and praises Muthurasan Dothi. John introduces Muthurasan. Vanilla asks Cimabron what he is talking about. Simabran translated the conversation into vanilla.

Later, John takes a selfie with Muthurasan. John sends that selfie to Swetha. John makes a phone and asks to see the photo. Shweta says I believe why you are sending a photo. Ask John Swetha. Shweta agrees.

John insists on bringing her enough. Shweta agreed and finished the call. The family arrives at the beach. Janani, Gautam, Karthik and Simabran enjoy the beach. Rudra, Uttara, Muthurasan sit in stone. Vanilla calls them. Rudra is staring at Uttara. Muthurasan asks Rudra and Uttara to join him. On the other side, John sees Muturasan and family through binoculars.

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