Bigg Boss Malayalam 3, the highly anticipated Mohanlal show will get its grand opening aka in a few minutes on Asianet Channel. Big Boss Malayalam’s long awaited third season is expected to bring some exciting surprises and new challenges. As the tagline suggests, this time the show is getting bigger and better.
Here are the LIVE UPDATES from the Bigg Boss Malayalam 3 grand opening:
6.00 PM: Mohanlal reveals about the return of Bigg Boss Malayalam with Tau in a web-exclusive video. The superstar said it was “the dream season.”
6.10pm: Mohanlal opens social media fast. Interestingly, the superstar reveals that he takes social media detox and enjoys spending time with himself.
6.20 PM: Superstar finally revealed the secret behind his calm and cool nature. Interestingly, Mohanlal revealed that the people had only seen their quiet side, and the other side was hidden.