Global audio brand 1MORE has entered the Indian market through its sub-brand Omnthing (One More Thing) and has launched some new products. The company has released three wireless earphones, priced at Rs 1,499. It includes Airfree Pods, Airfree TWS and Airfree Lace Neckband. They will be sold separately through the shopping website Flipkart starting August 3.
Airfree Pods Price and Features
Airfree pods are wireless earbuds and the third most expensive product, priced at Rs 3,999. It has touch controls and 25 hours of battery life. It can be connected to both Android and iOS devices. Its Qualcomm chip and AAC provide fast transmission and consistent connection via Bluetooth. It receives noise cancellation technology and 4 built-in ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation), which filters out noise and delivers better voice calling.
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AirFree TWS Price and Features
These are headphones in the ear that are quite light in weight. They are priced at Rs 2,499. It comes with 20 hours of playtime backup and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. It has 4 ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation) microphones and reduces noise outside. To enhance your musical experience, it has been given a 7mm Dynamic Driver. With the touch and voice controls provided on headphones, you can control calls and music without touching the device.
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Airfree Lace Neckband Price and Specifications
It is the company’s lightweight neckband, priced at Rs 1,499. They are provided with smooth silicone housing, making them comfortable to use. Available in Bluetooth 5.0 Neckband for fast and consistent connectivity. They come with IPX4 rated water protection, making them easy to use in most outdoor conditions. According to the company, it gets 12 hours of battery life. In addition, support for Siri and Google Voice Assistant is also provided.