New Delhi: Bigg Boss fights at home, intrigues, continues. Meanwhile, there was a moment at home when a contestant took a stage to talk Bigg Boss’s heart out. He proposed to a friend through Bigg Boss and proposed marriage on national TV sitting on his knee. The contestant’s name is Rahul Vaidya, who mentioned to his friend Disha Parmar.
What is special is that Rahul has chosen a special day for this proposal. He has chosen Disha’s birthday for the proposal i.e. November 11. It is believed that the scene can be aired on TV today. Rahul expressed his love for Disha on his birthday. This time, Rahul was wearing a doctor’s T-shirt, which Disha Mary? It was written and he proposed the direction of the knee. Listening to his proposal, the house contestants were also delighted and they had so much fun with Rahul.
It can be seen in the video that Rahul Vaidya is directing his heart. He said- I’ve known a girl for two years, whose name is Disha. Disha, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Then he sits on his knees and says- Will you marry me? And show off his special t-shirt on camera. Explain that former Rahul doctor Kavitha Kaushik and Jasmine Bhasin were talking about their personal lives. This time around, she has announced that she will be making a special appearance on November 11th and that it will be her birthday the same day.
In such a situation, it was supposed that he would present his alleged girlfriend, Disha Parmar, on his birthday, November 11. However, he had previously said- ‘Honestly, Disha Parmar is just a good friend. We were never in love and nothing was happening between us. I have many female friends with whom I go to dinner, but Disha is famous because her name is included. I clicked pictures with other female friends, but since they are not famous, my name is not included.