Bigg Boss 4 Tamil 2 December 2020 Written Update Bigbas Call Center Part 2 is set to open at 11.25am. All the lights are off and Archana Cabin Light indicates that the next call is to her. Azid calls her. She asks how she can help him. Will Azid ask her to share the names of the last person’s love bed gangs? She answers him that Nisha, Archana and Gabby are the last. He asks her who she was the last nominee for from the bed of love. She answers him that she hasn’t nominated anyone yet? He asks her to tell him the reason? She says she was nominated for Best and Worst Show. He who argues with her. She only nominated them.
Do you want Azid to nominate everyone for the same valid reason? She starts herself to go home? These feelings bind her, so she nominates herself for this reason, Nisha is hesitant to convey her thoughts to others, Rio is a very good player but he is broken when under pressure, Ari has good athleticism but his emotions enable him. Sanam makes a good impression on the debate but she is giving it everywhere so it is useless. Somu is a funny guy so everyone is underestimating him not a good player. Anita wants everyone to hear her opinion, she too should listen to others, Bala is a brilliant player, if he clears it up, everyone is misinterpreted as being biased here.
Shivani is also an ery character and does not know where to show anger, so she nominates him for these reasons. He asks her to tell him some unworthy points about him that he disconnects Carr. She answers him nothing and disconnects the call. She asks for a review as she gives him a 5 star. All applause for her. She praises him as a very sweet and mature boy. Rio also tells him he is just like that and guides him well. Anita hugged Archana. All congratulate Azid who escaped thru the nomination.
Gabby was calling Somu at 1 pm. She asks him why she came to Bigbas. He replies that he attended the Alagiya Tamil Magan show on Vijay TV, after which he did not make any appearances. She asks him to say something nice about the list of nominated individuals. He narrates to her his thoughts
Don’t worry about the words of Somu and others who praised Azeed for speaking well. He is the one who speaks. He asked for it. He asks not to feel. He doesn’t bother answering him. Rio teases him that he is worried. Gabby tells him Tessie is literally shy whenever he takes the name of Rama. Somu ask her why she is teasing others. Gabby said he didn’t think much of this on his list but he was too shy for Rama. Jithan also teases him by the name of Rama.
Bala tells him he doesn’t want anyone to finish. Let’s play the conversation together. But seeing his argument with others made him feel that he was trying to finish everything that some reason might suggest. He was never allowed to answer but blame him and disconnect the call. Ari calls him to get a review that gives him 5 stars again. Bigbas tells him that Ari didn’t cut the call, so he was directly nominated for eviction the following week
Gabby tells Somu how Bala talked to Ari in the act. And he did this deliberately to ruin his name. He is now a carrier.
Bala had told Shiva that he should disconnect and he would never allow him to share his feelings and talk about anything to disconnect it. He wants to make his points listen
At 4.10 pm Bala tells Archana that he will clear his luggage. Ari came in and asked him. Bala replies that he will not hug him to persuade him.
At 5.50 pm, Bala and Shivani were talking to each other. He referred to her as a sister, he called her a psychic. Shivani gets there with Bala, he asks, can anyone wear that board instead of him? She replies that there is no chance. Ramya imitates Siva.
At 6.10 pm Jeetan asked Bala what did he do to him? Why did he take his father’s name? Bala replies to him, he didn’t mean anything in person, he just heard everything in flow. Jithan asks him to forget his background and play. Bala hugs him and apologizes. Ramya asks Ari is he okay? He doesn’t answer him much.
At 7pm Archana is reading a new roundabout. Soleady. Ramesh is going to be the judge of the action. The call center team plays the game according to its smell. One person on each team wants to do this. There is a zone in the garden area. An egg is placed in the middle. An audio they want to respond to accordingly. When they finally mention the egg they want to take it and break it in the head of the opposite person. Whoever gets the most eggs will be the winner.
Bala and Rio arrive first They responded to the audio Bala took the egg and broke Rio’s head.
Azeed and Somu responded to the audio and Azeed took the egg and slammed it into Somu’s head.
Nisha and Ari, they responded to the audio Nisha takes the egg and breaks Arie’s head. Ramya and Gabby respond to the audio Ramya takes an egg and breaks Gabi’s head. Sanam and Shivani respond to the audio and Shivani takes the egg and enters Sanam Head. Anita and Archana respond to the audio Anita takes the egg and breaks Archana’s head.
Bigg Boss asks Jithan to announce the result. He announced that Team B had won the first round 4 eggs
Archana and Gabby respond to the audio and Archana picks up the egg and breaks into Gabby’s head. Rio and Azeed respond to the audio and Rio takes the egg and breaks Azeed’s head. Somu and Bala respond to the audio and Bala takes the egg and breaks Somu’s head.
Rama and Shivani respond to the audio and Rama picks up the egg and breaks Shivani’s head. Sanam and Ari respond to the audio Ari takes the egg and breaks Sanam’s head. Anita and Nisha respond to the audio and Anita takes the egg and breaks Nisha’s head. Jithan announced the result. Team A and B are equal 3-3
Rama and Bala respond to the audio and Bala takes the egg and breaks Rama’s head.
Anita and Nisha respond to the audio Nisha takes the egg and breaks Anita’s head. Sanam and Shivani responded to the audio
Shivani takes the egg and breaks it in Sanam’s head. Sanam argues with everything she takes the egg first. She is not ready to trust anyone with the words that Shivani takes it first.
Jeetan was announced as the winner of Team B All Round.
At 9.45 pm Bala disconnected his phone. Sanam said he should be respected
Decision. Bala tells her that he does not want to save her by disconnecting her call. Sanam tells him it’s just a game. He tells her to put down all the luggage with him, which is why he used this call for nothing else. He disconnects the call not only to him but to anyone in the area.
At 10.05 pm, Azeed told Nisha that the audience could feel why her face was coming to Vijay TV on all the shows. That’s the same joke. Nisha beats him.
At 10.40 pm all the lights in the house are off.