The ‘Bigg Boss 4’ reality show hosted by Kamal Haasan has reached its 80th day and with only twenty odd days left, there is plenty of curiosity about who wins the title and who is the ‘Bigg Boss’. Itself.
The breaking news is that the actor who is voicing all the instructions to the housemates and even grilling them is one of the interactions with the actor named Satiiysh Saarathy Sasho. The 2014 biopic ‘Manjunath’ is based on Bollywood and the famous Manjunath Shanmugham.
However, there is no official confirmation about this from the channel or producers Satiiysh Saarathy Sasho’s recent Instagram post shows him in a mass look seated on the throne-like chair of ‘Bigg Boss 4’ and has captioned it “When You Decide.” life king size you deserve a throne !!! #actor #dreamer #actorslife #asianactor #bollywood #kollywood #indianactor #sashospace ”
Sasho gives the impression of intense performers and once ‘Bigg Boss 4’ is over, it will not be surprising if Kollywood filmmakers include him in the upcoming films and judging by his performance in ‘Manjunath’. Add their talents as a dancer, singer, MC and performer and you get the complete package.