Former Bigg Boss Malayalam contestant and TV presenter Alina Padikkal got engaged to longtime boyfriend Rohit Nair. Former BB contestants attended the gala engagement event in Thiruvananthapuram.
In the pictures, the TV host is gorgeous in the ancient Golden Color lehenga. Rohit, on the other hand, looked beautiful in a black blazer.
Take a look at the engagement pictures:
Since the engagement, Alina Padikal’s designer dress has been gaining much attention on social media. Customized lehenga made in tulle net fabric made it look like a bride-groom.
Swarovski made a sleeveless crop top dress with crystal stones and small floral motifs. Scalloped borders on the skirt side with floral work and criss-cross designs added to the aesthetic of the whole outfit. Most notably, this dress also featured the writing of ‘Alina Rohit’ embroidered on the hip belt.
Interestingly, this is when she lives inside the Bigg Boss house. In a conversation with housemates, she revealed her 6-year love story and shared that she would marry only if her parents agreed.
Recently, on the stage of ‘Comedy Stars’, the TV host announced that her parents have agreed to her marriage and that they will soon be engaged