This season, Rio Raj, Jithan Ramesh Ramya Pandian, Aranthangi Nisha, Shivani Narayanan, Sanam Shetty, Samyukta, Suresh Chakravarti, Balaji Murugadoss Samyukta, Anita Sampath, Caprilla, Ajeedh, Susitra and 16 others were present. Shivani was ousted on the basis of nominations last week, so far as Rekha, Velmurugan, Suresh Chakraborty, Suchitra, Samyukta, Jithan Ramesh, Nisha, Sanam Shetty, Archana, Anitha and Ajeedh are out. With only a few days left to finish this season.
With Balaji Arya Rio Som Shekhar and Gabriella Ramya Pandian currently qualifying for the final, who is expected to win the title. There are two female rivals in the final, Ramya and Gabriella in the first season.
But since both of them are unlikely to win the title, this time a male will win. Also, there is this expectation of who will win this season. But fans have already decided that Aari is the title winner for this season. So, who is going to take second and third place is the competition. Also Read Bigg Boss 4 Tamil January 11 Promo Nisha’s Funny Conversation with Ramya Pandian
The Big Boss house is definitely going to have some fun Tasks and celebrations since it’s the last week. That will be the case today. Competitors who are already out of the pass are about to go home to Bigg Boss. In that way, Archana, Nisha and Jithan Ramesh have already moved into the Bigg Boss house. Rekha Ule has come out in the second Promo released today.