As we approach the end of Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4, contestants are in the mood to embrace their loved ones at home. After Balaji Murugadoss and Shivani Narayanan, Ramya Pandian enjoyed a sweet surprise through the 87-day freeze act of a 100-day reality show.
In the midst of the freeze and loop function, everyone was asked to freeze only to allow Ramya Pandian’s brother into the house. Ramya was quite surprised when he read his brother in Dubai. Ramya couldn’t stop her excitement and wanted to know how her brother came to Dubai from Dubai.
Ramya’s brother told her that she had returned from Chennai to Dubai to see her in the house. He also explained about the time he had to go before he entered the house. His calm and composed demeanor filled the house with cheerfulness. While Rama was introducing housemates to his brothers, the latter expressed their fondness for Aari Arjunan and called him ‘Talaiva’.
Housemates, including Ramya Pandian, were surprised by Ramya’s brother’s ‘Talaiva’ admiration. Ramya asked her brother, “Hey (referring to Ari Arjuna) is he doing that good?”. Unlike the emotional break outs that competitors show when looking for close family partners, Ramya and her family have had a lot of casual moments and moments.
A few minutes later, Ramya Pandian’s mother also entered the house. Like Ramya’s brother, her mother showed no excessive gesture. She can be adorned with the title of Super Cool Mother. Before leaving home, Ramya’s mother said, “If you are evicted this week, it is not because of you. So, don’t worry.”