After eviction Shivani Narayan, Bigg Boss Tamil 4 has entered its 99th day with its top six contestants. The housemates have successfully completed ninety-eight days and will fight one another for the final time in a row. However, so far three housemates have been finalists, including Som Shekhar, Aari Arjuna, and Balaji Murugadas, while others are still struggling. In tonight’s episode, former contestants Archana, Anitha and Ramesh will enter the BB house and surprise the housemates too.
Yes, the popular trio of season 4 will be entering the house this Monday, where contestants already in attendance may not be fully aware of it. BB asks them to go in the ground area when the main house curtains fall. Housemates discuss what should happen inside the house. While some housemates think of today’s nomination process, some may think that another task is in preparation. Well, no one can call their own friends and fellow housemates entering tonight. Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4: Nisha shares her experience to Nisha out side after biggboss
With six contestants waiting outside the house, Nisha and Archana along with Jithan Ramesh are blindfolded in the activity room. They then enter the kitchen area and look for items prepared by the housemates. On the other side, participants can be seen getting impatient while peering into the house. But soon the curtains are removed and they are shocked to see the trio cooling down at home. Everyone gets excited and hugs the new entrants happily.
Nisha and Archana will have a hearty conversation with Rama in the garden while the others will embrace each other and talk about everything. Despite the bad times at home, Archana and Ari also embrace their differences and have a happy conversation with each other. Apart from them, the general nomination process is to take place at BB4, where the housemates nominate each other for the last time. Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4: Evicted contestants Rekha, Archana, Nisha and Jithan Ramesh meet the finalists
The contestants who are still at home and still winners are Rama Pandian, Ari Arjuna, Balaji Murugadas, Rio Raj, Gabriella, and Soma Shekhar, where Somu, Aari, Balaji and Rio are the top four finalist, while Ramya and Gabi have yet to fight each other.
Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4 Aari made a historical record in bb tamil history