By eating these five things in the summer, your body temperature will rise rapidly.

In the summer, more attention should be paid to drinking than eating. You must have heard this old advice on health! This means that during the summer, our digestive energy moves a little slower, so it takes time to digest food. To avoid this, you can drink beverages like coconut water, juice, water cumin, lassi, so that you can get more nutrients in less time. There are some things that are not good to eat in the summer. To avoid diseases, you should remove these from your diet.

Ice cream
Eating ice cream in the summer is not a thing! How can this happen? But let us tell you, there is a high amount of sugar in ice cream, which works to increase obesity and diabetes. In addition, after eating ice cream, you will be hotter.

Eating seafood during the summer increases the risk of food poisoning. Also, summer seafood should be avoided. Eating this will increase your body temperature faster.

Dry fruits
Dry fruits are considered to be very beneficial for health, but in the summer they eat dried fruits such as almonds, figs, raisins, dates and apricots. The reason is that their effect is hot, which can harm your health.

We Indians love to eat spicy and spicy food. But in summer, consuming hot spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper can cause a dehydration problem.

Tea or coffee
Most of us love to drink tea and coffee. Many people start the day with a cup of hot tea and coffee, but drinking too much tea and coffee in the summer can lead to dehydration.

Not only ice, these 6 foods provide relief from hot flashes in menopause

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