Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Sunday that the government had estimated to receive and use 40-50 crore doses of the vaccine to bring 20-25 crore people under the corona vaccine by July next year. Also, a draft is being prepared to get the list of priority population groups for vaccines from the states by the end of October.
During a conversation with his social media followers on the Sunday Dialogue Forum, he said that a high-level expert group would look into all aspects of the vaccine. The Ministry of Health is preparing a draft, in which state governments will submit a list of priority population groups. The list of advance front health workers will include government and private sector physicians, nurses, paramedical personnel, sanitation workers, ASHA workers, supervisory officers and other personnel involved in the detection, screening and treatment of infected patients.
The minister said that this exercise will be completed by the end of October and states are being guided to hand over details about the cooling chain storage facilities and other associated infrastructure, which is at the block level But will be necessary. Harsh Vardhan said, “The central government is also working on large scale human resource preparation, training, monitoring and other things.” It is estimated to receive and use 40–50 crore (vaccine) doses for about 20–25 crore people by July 2021. All of them are in the process of being finalized.
He also told the people that while finalizing these schemes, the government will also monitor the immune data related to the Kovid-19 epidemic. He said, “Our government is working round the clock to ensure fair and equitable distribution of vaccines once they are ready.” The level committee is preparing the roadmap for the entire process. The vaccine will be procured centrally and tightly monitored until each consignment is delivered, so that it reaches the most needy.
The minister said that the committee is working on understanding the timeframe for various vaccines to be available in the country. At the same time, a commitment is being taken from vaccine manufacturers to provide maximum number of doses to India. He said, “This work is in progress, which will be completed before starting the vaccination.” During the dialogue, he said while trying to allay the apprehensions of a person that there would be no black marketing of the vaccine. “The vaccine will be distributed on the basis of pre-determined priority and it will be done as per schedule. . The details of the entire process will be shared in the coming months to ensure transparency, accountability. ”