GATE 2021: GATE exam paperwork schedule and shift time continues, see full details here

GATE 2021: The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) has released a detailed schedule for the Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE 2021). Candidates can check the paper wise and shift-wise datasheet by visiting GATE exams will be held nationwide on February 5,6, 7,12,13 and February 14 next year. The test will be held in two phases (morning and afternoon). The entrance exam results will be released in March 2021. This year, Gate added two new departments: ecology, engineering and the humanities and social sciences.

See the full exam schedule here

Gate 2021Gate 2021

You will be able to download the admission card for the gate exam from January 8.

Gate Testing is conducted for admission to the M.Tech and MSc programs in Engineering, Technology and Architecture.

According to the new rule, now third-year students in the B.Tech program will also be eligible for the gate.


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