Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 25 November 2020 Written Update: Full Episode – Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 25 Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and  Upcoming Twist on Choti is drowning. Nia says a few more minutes. Let’s take a goodbye selfie. You lost your mother, I sent you there. Barry Gooden Run .T. Nia leaves. Chotti’s hands are tied. She’s tired of releasing herself. Nia says good pictures. Barry Gooden comes after her. She runs to the pool and looks at Choti. Gooden jumps in to save her.

Saru says why you called us. She shows them a photo of Gooden sinking. Nia says she must be dead by now. His story is over. Shona says that now two ghosts haunt us. Nia says shut up. There is no demon. We have won.

Gooden brings out Choti. Gooden says Choti open your eyes. Mum is here. Nothing will happen to you. Choti breathes. She opens her eyes. Says Gooden Choti .. Choti always remembers quarreling with people as if her parents were alive. Gooden hugs Choti. She is my Choti .. Mum will never leave you. Krishna was listening to us. They both cried.

Nia says bring everyone out and see with your own eyes. Barry Gooden hides. Choti is off the ground. Nia says how did she get out of the pool? Choti moves her left side. Shona says she’s alive. Nia says I won’t let her live a second. She picks up a piece of glass and heads towards Choti.

Agastya comes there. He’s good… Agastya runs to her. Are you okay? Who did all this? He told Nia you are behind all this right? Shona says yes it is her. She slaps Nia and tells you that you are such an evil girl. You won’t listen until we teach you a lesson. Agastya turns her hand and says that my wife is pregnant and she is not well. I have warned you. I’ll send you to jail. She says you will send me to jail to heal your wife? Agastya What do you say? When the general treatment did not work, I got the idea of ​​trauma treatment, and Gooden says he is better now.

Choti tries to sit down. Agastya is holding her. They say you’re fine now. I’m very happy. He embraces Choti. Agastya says our child is also good. Let’s go. He picks her up and takes her inside. Gooden says I can walk now. They say you can walk throughout your life. In the heart of Choti I can tell Agastya but Mama and I have decided to reveal all of you. Now look what I do.

Pushpa Nia says shock treatment? Nia says I wanted to kill her and I didn’t know she was getting better. Pushpa wonders why Choti didn’t tell Agastya. Something is cooking. Barry Gooden looks at him and says we’ll teach you a lesson at the right time. Shona and Nia fall into the pool.

Agastya says is it good for you? Let’s call the doctor. Choti says you are with me. I’m all right. Now nothing goes wrong. This payment will irritate you now. They say I can hear this sound throughout my life. Choti gets up and walks away. Her ankles make noise. Agastya pulls her closer. He kisses her forehead. Tum Ho Apni plays the song. Agastya, sorry, you had to deal with all this. I couldn’t protect you. I’m not a second away from you. Choti says you can’t be upset.

What’s going to happen to me. I am better off with your love and Mom’s prayers. They say yes ma prayed so much for you. Choti says in the heart how can I tell you that this happened because my mother is not yours. Choti says you should go to the temple because everything is fine. They say we can go together. Choti says I am correct. Agastya hugs her. Choti says in her heart that if you want to be with Mama you have to get away from me. Agastya leaves. Choti says mama come inside. Gooden hugged her.

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