If you want to keep yourself cool in the summer try this tasty pineapple lassi, which is ready in 10 minutes

Pineapple Lassi Recipe: People love to drink lassi to keep the body cool and refresh themselves as summer approaches. But the simple sweet lassi tastes the stomach but tastes a little faint. If you believe the same way, let us know that another special recipe for making lassi is named Pineapple Lassi. Lassi is easy to make and is just as delicious to drink.

Ingredients for making pineapple lassi
-1 cup yogurt
-1/2 cup chopped pineapple
-1/4 inch piece of ginger
-2-3 tbsp of sugar
– Spoon of cardamom powder
-Spar All Black Salt (Eichelica)

Method of making pineapple lassi
There are two ways to prepare pineapple lassi. If you are craving lassi by hand, first, mix ginger, sugar and pineapple in advance. After this, rub the yoghurt and black salt, cardamom powder by hand. If you want to adopt an easy method, then mix everything together. But in this method you already grind pineapple and ginger together. Doing this, Lassie has no problem with the sticks.

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