There is always talk of Cheteshwar Pujara’s slow batting by Team India’s star Test batsman. At the same time, former India captain Sunil Gavaskar has come to his support. Gavaskar believes Pujara’s playing style is perfect and if he doesn’t like the team he should find someone else. Known for his strong defense and technique, Pujara has faced criticism for not scoring runs in recent years. He recently faced criticism in the World Test Championship (WTC) final against New Zealand.
Gavaskar said, ‘Since Pujara has played a certain way and reached international level, he has to believe in that approach. If the team does not believe in his approach, he may think of trying something else. The former Indian leader said, ‘But this method worked for them, worked for India. He is on one end but the player who plays the shot has the opportunity to play the shot on the other end because he knows that the strongest player is on one end.
“They have to believe in themselves and continue to play in a way that makes them feel good because they have done an amazing job for India,” he said. In the first two years of the WTC, Puja failed to score a century, scoring an average of less than 30. Pujara is playing in a five-match series against England starting Wednesday in Nottingham.