On Tuesday, Infosys was trading at Rs. Market cap figures crossed Rs 7 lakh crore Infosys Ltd posted a net profit of Rs 7.01 lakh crore. Infosys is the fourth company in the stock market with a market value of over Rs 7 lakh crore. Reliance Industries, Tata and HDFC have done this in the past. Shares of the company have jumped 71% in the last one year.
After reaching the all-time high of 1644.05 on Infosys on the Bombay Stock Exchange, the market value of the company crossed Rs 7 lakh crore. The company trades at Rs 1644, up 0.7% from its previous close. Shares of the company gained 31% this year.
Gold is cheaper at Rs 6000 and silver at Rs 2772. More expensive than last August 3, check today’s rates
What to do with shares
Now that the company has reached new heights, is it OK to sell shares? Of the 49 stocks in Bloomberg, 42 have a buy rating. Advised to hold 4 stock and sell 3.
Union Bank of Philippines selects Infosys Finacal’s digital banking solution
Union Bank of the Philippines (UBP) has selected Infosys Finacal’s cloud-based digital banking solution. Infosys is part of Final Edgeware Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Infosys Limited, a Bangalore-headquartered IT service company. Infocus said in a statement on Tuesday that Finacal will adopt a digital banking solution in the UBP cloud. With this change, UBP will be able to rapidly expand its retail and corporate banking operations, the statement said.
The company is offering 26-week parental leave to all employees