Majha Hoshil Na 23 January 2021 Written Update: Suyash puts forth a condition to help Sai

Majha Hoshil Na 23 January 2021 Written Update: Suyash puts forth a condition to help Sai

In Previous installment Of Maja hoshil na Sai returns home to find that the police have come to arrest Shashikant. Later, Shashikanth tells Aditya about the arrest. Aditya comes to the police station to help Sai, but angry Sai asks him to leave.

In Next installment Of Maja hoshil naSeeing Sai’s grief, the police inspector, who has filed a complaint against Shashikant, says that Sai can only help Sasikant’s release. Weak Sai immediately rushes to meet Suyash. Aditya Sai, meanwhile, stood outside the police station and inquired about Shashikant. But Sai storms off without speaking to him.

After a while, Meghana calls Aditya and asks about his whereabouts. The enraged Aditya speaks rudely to her and, unbeknownst to him, calls for Meghana loudspeaker. As a result, everyone listens to Aditya say that Sai is his priority. Soon, Kashikar worries about Aditya She assures him that Meghana and Aditya love her.

Terrified, Sai arrives at Suyash’s house and pleads for the release of Shashikant. The brave Suyash then insults her and puts a condition in front of her. Though hesitant, helpless Sai agrees to his demandFollowing this, Suyash calls the police inspector and tells him to release Shashikant. In addition, he subtly threatens Shashikant about the call and warns Sai not to repeat the mistake. To increase her grief, He forces her to say I love you.

Back at the Brahms house, the preparations for Aditya and Meghna’s engagement are going heavy. After some time, Aditya returns home and finds that Meghana is waiting for him. Reluctantly, he goes to dinner, but Meghana’s behavior makes him uncomfortable. As he goes inside to make a new one, Sai calls his mobile. However, Meghana answers the call and tortures Sai. The distressed Sai tells Aditya’s last call. Moreover, She urges Meghana to convey one last message to Aditya. Does Meghana send a message to Aditya?

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