Make mango ice cream as a home-sitting market, take note of this easy tasty recipe

Homemade Mango Ice Cream Recipe: Summer is about to knock, and in this way, even children’s favorite mango ice cream is ready to take its place in the fridge. But because of corona, people are a little hesitant to eat anything straight from the market. So in such a situation, today you have an easy recipe for mango ice cream that is easy to make delicious on the market. So let’s learn how mango ice cream is made.

Mango Ice Cream Ingredients-
-1 cup of milk
-3 cup cream
-1 cup mango, puree
– 1 cup mango, sliced
-1 tsp custard powder
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 cup sugar

How to Make Mango Ice Cream
1. Add the custard to the fourth cup of milk and set it aside.
2. Heat the remaining milk and sugar together. Allow the sugar to completely dissolve and bring to the boil.
3. When it starts to boil, add the custard mixture to it and bring to a boil again, cook for a minute on low flame, turn off the heat and let cool.
4. Add mango puree, chunks, cream and vanilla to it. Mix it well and put it in a tight lid.
5. To set it completely, take it in the refrigerator and whisk with the help of a hand beater and put it back in the fridge.
6. The lid should be tightly closed so that the ice layer does not come off. Once again, whisk and put back in the fridge.
7. Your mango ice cream is ready.

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