Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 3 hosted by Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal premiered on Sunday. All eyes are on the 14 contestants who have been introduced to the house and home and this time there is an interesting mix of competitors. However, staff have taken precautionary measures during this time and have followed the COVID-19 safety rules. It is mandatory for all participants to undergo a two-week quarantine. COVID-19 is allowed to enter the home only after testing the negative.
Here is the full list of competitors:
Noby Marcos: Nobi Standup comedian and actor made his fame through the Comedy Star program, where he was part of the award winning team. Some films starring Pulimurugan, College Days and Angry Babies.
Anoop Krishnan: Anoop TV actor, director and presenter. He became popular through his role (Kalyan) in the television series Seetha Kalyanam. He started his career by presenting Anoop programs, a familiar face in the Malayalam television industry. He later played supporting roles in Devatinte Swantham Cleatus and Praise the Lord. In 2015, she was recognized for her role in the Sanskrit film Ishti, for which she learned Kathakali and lost 11 kilos.
Bhagyalakshmi: Bhagyalakshmi is an actor, dubbing artist and activist. He works mainly in Malayalam cinema. She is popular for her work as a voice artist for actor Shobana roles. He has served as a dubbing artist for over 4,000 films.
Majiziya Bhanu: Majiziya Bhanu is a Kerala based bodybuilder and wrestler. Her name has many awards and accolades. She became the first Malayali woman to win a gold medal at the World Powerlifting Championships. Now 26 years old, she started her international career by winning a silver medal at the 2017 Asian Powerlifting Championships in Indonesia. She is also a dental student and is currently pursuing her final year of BDS in Mah.
Dimpal Bhal: Dimple fashion enthusiast, stylist, psychologist and cancer survivor. “I’m a very unique person,” Dimple said, introducing herself at the launch and showing off her long hair. The 21-year-old describes herself as an entrepreneur and fashion enthusiast.
Rithu Mantra: Ritu is a model and passionate singer in the profession. She participated in the Miss India pageant in 2018 as one of the contestants. In addition to modeling, Ritu is also a singer and regularly posts covers of songs on her social media pages. She has also made small roles in a number of Malayalam films including Uyare, Operation Java, Red Blue Green, Kumbaries, Port and Role Models. The latest cover of Minnale’s Vasigar song was also appreciated by the actor Madhavan.
Muhammad Ramadan: Ramadan is popular in Malayalam industry through reality shows and films. He is also known as a D4 Dancer winner. Ramadan started dancing as a child and won his first reality show, Superstar Junior 2.
Manikuttan: Manikuttan is a film and television actor who has acted in several films. He entered the big screen in 2005 and played the role of Ramessan in the film Boyfriend.
RJ Firoz: Firoz is an RJ and a social media influencer. He began his journey as a TV producer and presenter. He has appeared on the big screen a few times.
Surya J Menon: Model from the profession of Surya J Menon. She introduced herself as the first female DJ of Kerala.
Sai Vishnu R: Sai Vishnu has already taken center stage with his dancing skills which has amused fans.
Adony T John: John is a social worker who has raised his voice on political issues.
Sandhya Manoj: Sandhya Manoj is a dance professional based in Kuala Lumpur and specializes in Odyssey, Bharatanatyam and Mohiniattam. Sandhya has performed at Kerala’s popular art festival ಸೂರ್ ‘‘ಯಯ ’ವಯವವ’ Sandhya herself is married to Manoj Kamal, a yoga exponent and Malaysia-based yoga expert. He is making efforts to incorporate yoga into dance.
Laxmi Jayan: A Laxmi Jayan singer, she is known for her talented performance in Indian Idol.