Indian authorities are testing a messaging app called ‘Sandesh’ which is an Indian alternative to WhatsApp. The application is ready and is being examined by Ministry officials. According to app company Mashable, ‘Sandesh’ app is currently limited to government officials. The official and comprehensive roll-out of AAP has not been announced yet. If people go to the page, they will see the messaging app here.
‘Sandesh’ is available for iOS and Android platforms. In addition, its backend is controlled by the National Information Center NIC, which is under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
The messaging app has a logo on the website. The Ashoka Chakra can be found in it. Originally, the logo had three layers. The three layers together form the tricolor and the center has the Ashoka Chakra. The second layer resembles whatsaur. But it’s dark green.
Last year, several reports claimed that this official chat app was called a government instant messaging system (GIMS). Now it is rumored that it has been named Sandesh. Some information about Sandes is available on the website. This includes the sign-in LDAP, the sign-in message OTP and the message web.