Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 11 November 2020 Written Episode Update

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 11 November 2020 Written Episode Update

The serial begins with Manjiri standing beside her, praying in front of the idol of the Omkar. If Shankar comes and tortures Omkaran, a goddess, she never listens to his prayers and tells him to correct himself. Omkar says she admires the goddess with her devotion but breaks her with her power. He says that the wife has sinned her husband and he will pay her for it.

Piyush tells Mayura to come out of his room, to the family, to the doctor and then to the police. Mayura lends her hand to Piyush and then goes out of the room. People are shouting to get Mayura out of her house. Mayura is afraid. People on the outside are shouting that Mayura is unprofessional and viciously abusing her. She shouts that she has had a wrong relationship with her sister-in-law. She says her husband should be beaten for doing so. The audience continues to accuse her.

Mayura panicked and ran towards her room. From the window, she sees Omkar in the car outside. Omkar himself claims that Mayura is just the beginning. Mayura has a surprise attack and remembers how Omkar attacked her face. Crowd accuses her and blames her for everything. She says she left God as a husband. Mayura is sitting in a corner of her room. Piyush goes there to appease her but she tells him to go away.

It all begins to be broadcast on all media channels and is big news. Ordinary people in the news are saying that they are beside the Omkar and that Mayura made a big mistake. Omkar is depressed and says he tried to talk to Mayura and calm her down but she ran away with her brother. General Popple says he has Omkar’s side and launched #JusticeFarSataz.

Mayura’s family and Piyush are surprised to see all this. Manjeri, on the other hand, is delighted to see all this. He says that the Omkar has made a good move and now no one will be able to show his face.

Piyush tries to appease Mayura’s parents and says he must be Mayura’s strength. They keep their truth by their side. With all the media and police force on Omkar’s side, he can win with the power of truth.

Mayura was in her room, suddenly hearing everyone shouting that the nurse was sick, and she rushed outside. She hands water and medicine to her grandmother, who shouts as to why she made her bitter. Mayura realizes she is sick but Mayura is coming out of her room as she is attacked. Ashutosh tries to say something but Mayura cries and asks if she doesn’t understand that she doesn’t want to meet anyone. She scolds them. But Piyush starts to scold her and tells her to stop being sympathetic. He encourages and tells her there is a big struggle to deal with.

He gives an example of how she became a doctor within a few seconds of hearing about the nurse’s illness. Ashutosh praises her too. But Mayura doesn’t want to hear anything and says it’s not all that easy. After she has a flashback of the attack on Omkar, she runs to her room. Piyush shouts that he waits outside her room until she comes out.
Mayura was sitting in her room and crying badly.

Manjiri sits down with some photos and throws them away. She shouts that none of the girls have charm and beauty. She wants someone who is unmatched by beauty. Whose beauty does not fly in the air. She asks the maid to bring more pictures. Manjiri speaks volumes about how she removes all the memories of Mayura from Omkar’s life. She thinks he loves her beauty, she replaces it with another face. As Mayura goes, so do all her memories.

Mayura is sitting in her room, someone passes her photos with a letter from under the door. She reads the letter and cheers. The next morning, Mayura tells her family that she has decided to fight. Piyush and Mayura go outside but when she sees people looking at her with disgust she is broken.

Omkar gets in there too. He starts to moan and discourage her. He tells her that he sees no place for his clinic and that he will make her life worse. Piyush tells him not to fall for his words. Her courage is her strength. Mayura remembers Piyush’s words from last night and feels confident.

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