US space agency NASA used a large parachute of orange and white to land its perilous rover on a dangerous mission to Mars. There was also a secret message in this parachute, which was only known to 6 NASA team members. But the secret message of that parachute is decoded. In fact, NASA has released the first high-quality video of the rover landing on Mars, in which the orange and white parachute can be seen opening, and the rover landing on the red surface of the planet.
According to news agency AP, the 21-meter parachute is made up of strips of orange and white. It has a message written on it – “Dare Mighty Things”. The idea was by Ian Clark, a systems engineer who turned orange and white stripes into binary code. Let me tell you that Ian Clark only added GPS coordinates for this mission.
In fact, the clerk presented the issue two years ago. However, when he told his team about this issue, he liked it too. Only six people knew about this secret message before. But people have decoded it since its image arrived on Monday.
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– NASA Mars (ASNASAMars) February 22, 2021
It took a few hours for space lovers to decode this special message, Clark said. That said, I’ll do a little more creativity next time. Explain that “Dare Mighty Things” is the famous line of former US President Theodore Roosevelt and this line is Jepal’s original mantra, namely the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Notably, in the video released by NASA, the orange and white parachute can be seen opening and the rover landing on the dusty surface of the red planet. Dave Gruhl, head of Entry and a decent camera team, said, “Whenever I look at it, my hair is made up.” The Perseverance Rover looks for signs of ancient microscopic life and attempts to bring authentic models of the red planet rock to Earth in a decade.
NASA’s rover ‘perseverance landed on Mars’ surface early Friday morning. It landed at Jjoro Crater (Mahakhad). It is the largest and most sophisticated rover ever sent by NASA. “This video and pictures are part of our dreams,” said En Chan, head of the team that was created to take the rover to Mars. Earlier, NASA released the first image of a rover landing on Mars. NASA put 25 cameras into the spacecraft for this purpose.
Significantly, NASA’s most dangerous and historically significant mission to date is finding out what life was on Mars. This expedition seeks to bring pieces of rock from the planet, which is crucial in finding the answer to this question.