Shiv puran upay: These simple solutions of Shiv Puran will solve every problem

Pooja recitation has special significance in Hinduism. In the same Shivpuran Granth, the glory of Lord Shiva is described in detail. In this Mahapuran, many remedies have been told to solve the problems of a person. If he remembers, he gets the grace of Shiva, then today we are going to tell you some surefire ways of getting wealth and happiness in life and prosperity in Shiv Puran. According to Shivpuran, by offering unbroken rice to Shiva, the worshiper attains Lakshmi, offering a cloth in devotion to Shiva and placing it on it and offering it with rice is considered even better. They get rid of Saturnic defects and can also offer black sesame to Lord Shiva. The worship of Shiva worshiped by barley is considered to increase heavenly happiness, it is said by Shivpuran that worshiping Shankarji from a dish made of wheat is definitely considered very good; worshiping with wheat grains is considered to be a child’s happiness. Attainment.

If worshiped from moong is the same, then Shiva gives happiness and prosperity to human beings. Worshiping the supreme God Shiva by Kagani leads to increase in the religion, meaning and work of the worshiper and that worship is going to give all happiness.

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