Swiggy, known for its online food distribution, has joined hands with Mukesh Ambani. According to a statement issued by Reliance, Reliance BP Mobility Limited (RMBL) and Swiggy have entered into an agreement. Under the agreement, the adoption of electric two-wheelers will be promoted.
According to data provided by Reliance BP Mobility, the aim is to promote battery-powered electric vehicles (EVs). This includes electric bikes. Reliance BP Mobility Limited is setting up Geo-BP battery exchanges with the help of Swiggy. In addition, Swiggy provides all the necessary technical support and training for distribution partners and other employees.
There have been reports recently that Reliance BP Mobility is set to open retail outlets at petrol pumps on the highways. According to media reports, the company will be trading on food, digital and electric vehicles at Reliance Petrol Pumps on the highway.
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However, the news comes at a time when the central government is emphasizing the promotion of electric vehicles (EVs). The government has announced other concessions, including subsidies.