There is good news for users waiting for the release of the Realme GT series in India. Company CEO Madhav Seth has confirmed that the series will be launched in India this month. Seth said in the latest version of his YouTube series Ask Madhav that the company will launch the series in India on August 18. Apart from this, Seth also revealed some features and specifications of the Indian version of this upcoming series of smartphones.
Under this series, two new smartphones – the RealMe GT5G and the RealMe GT Master Edition – will be launched in India. The company will be launching the Realme GT 5G smartphone in India with global transformation features and specifications. In addition, this smartphone in India comes with the same color options that the company has released in the global market. In the global market, this phone comes in Dashing Silver, Dashing Blue and Racing Yellow (Leather variant).
The company will be launching the Reality GT Master Edition alongside the Reality GT 5G. The design of this phone is inspired by travel and suitcase. The company released the Realme GT Master Edition and GT Master Explorer Edition in China last month. The back panel of these smartphones features a ridge pattern and soft-touch leather finish inspired by the suitcase.
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The company will launch the GT5G and GT Master Edition in India on August 18. At the same time, if we talk about the GT Master Explorer version, the company has not given any information about its release in India.
Features and specifications of the Realme GT and Realme GT Master Edition
On both smartphones, the company has a 6.43-inch Super AMOLED Full HD + display with a 120Hz refresh rate. In the Reality GT, the company is offering 12GB of RAM and the Snapdragon 888 chipset. At the same time, the Snapdragon 778G chipset will be available in the master version with 8 GB of RAM. Both smartphones come with 256GB of internal storage and are an OS with Android 11 based Realme UI 2.0.
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For photography, both smartphones offer a triple rear camera setup with LED flash. It has an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens with a 64-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel macro lens. On Reality GT5G, the company is offering a 16-megapixel and 32-megapixel front camera in Master Edition. The 4300mAh battery is powered by the Reality GT 5G and the 4500mAh battery in the Master Edition. Both smartphones support 65W fast charging.