The Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDA) in its notification has instructed insurance companies to approve cashless insurance claims within 60 minutes so that patients recovering from corona can be discharged from the hospital on time. According to a Times of India report, on April 28, the Delhi High Court ordered the IRDA to issue directions. In 30 to 60 minutes, the High Court said in its order that insurance companies should accept the claim and inform the hospital about it.
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The IRDA said in its circular Thursday that “the information provided by the hospital must be approved by all authorities within 60 minutes.” So the Kovid patient should have no problem. The IRDA said in its circular, “As soon as a patient recovers from Kovid19, he or she must make his payment and the network must approve it.” It is issued in reference to a circular cashless claim.
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Prior to this circular, all insurance companies had two hours to approve any cash-less claim. But after listening to the problems faced by the patients, the High Court ordered the IRDA to issue new directions.