Realmi announced the availability of the third storage variant of the Realmi Norzo 30 on Wednesday. This is a variant of the Realme Norzo 30 with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The 6GB RAM and 64GB storage variant of the Reality Norzo 30 is priced at Rs 13,499. This version of Reality Norzo 30 will be available for sale on Flipkart’s Big Saving Day Sale starting August 5th. This variant is available for sale on and main channels.
The price of the various variants of the reality Norzo 30
The price of the Realme Noroz 30 is 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage is priced at Rs 12,499. At the same time, the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage variant of the Reality Norzo 30 is priced at Rs 14,499, while the phone’s 6GB RAM and 64GB storage variant is priced at Rs 13,499. This smartphone is available in 2 color options in Racing Silver and Racing Blue.
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The smartphone will be fully charged in just 65 minutes
The Realme Norzo 30 smartphone comes with powerful MediaTek Helio G95 gaming processor. The Realme Norzo 30 smartphone comes with a 6.5-inch screen. The phone has a 90Hz ultra-smooth display. The powerful battery of 5,000 mAh is powered by the reality Norzo 30, which is backed by powerful 30W dart charging. The company claims that this smartphone will charge 0 to 100 percent in just 65 minutes.
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48 megapixel primary camera on phone
The Realme Narzo 30 smartphone comes with a 48-megapixel AI triple camera. The primary camera is a 48MP Samsung sensor. The phone has a 16-megapixel in-display selfie camera.