The official trailer of Sanjay Dutt’s upcoming release Torbaaz is out now. The action thriller, directed by Girish Malik, sees the actor in the role of an army officer who has decided to train refugee camp children – otherwise destined to become suicide bombers – in cricket. The film tells a wonderful story of a man who rises above his personal tragedy and takes matters into his own hands. Will he succeed in keeping them off the path of destruction?
The 2-minute and 14-second trailer sees Sanjay in a rough and tough avatar, complete with his Salt N ‘Pepper Look, rugged jackets, stylish mufflers and a pair of sunglasses. If the trailer is anything to go by, the actor appears in his high profile. At the same time he seamlessly adapts to the role of kindness and strong argument. Nargis Fakhri seems to be playing the female lead. Anyway, he has a glitter and you-miss-it appearance in the trailer. Unfortunately, the actress doesn’t even say a single word in the trailer. Rahul Dev plays the role of opponent and looks polite.
Torbaaz was previously scheduled for a theatrical release. However, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, it was not possible, and manufacturers had to resort to taking a direct-to-digital approach. The film will now premiere on Netflix on December 11.