Tutte Contro Lui (The Other Woman) Movie Cast, Release Date, Time, Trailer, OTT Release!
“Tutte Contro Lui” Release Date and Time, Cast, Trailer is highly waiting by most of the fans and they have been curiously wanting to know when is “Tutte Contro Lui” release date and Where it gonna release either OTT Flat form Or Theatre. Well, the release date of Tutte Contro Lui is finally out! We have updated all the information we have gathered about Tutte Contro Lui Release date, trailer, when is it coming out, where to watch, and more. So, you can just give a read below and get a clear idea about the release of “Tutte Contro Lui”.
“(The Other Woman)“ About This Movie-(Short Story)
Carly Whitten, a New York lawyer, meets and begins a relationship with Mark King. After an argument between the two, she Carly decides to be forgiven by going to Mark’s house to surprise him. What she does not expect, however, is that at her door she will be greeted by Mark’s wife, Kate, who the next day, suspicious, visits Carly in her office, asking her to tell her the truth about the possible relationship between her and the husband. Once she discovers the truth, Kate is desperate, goes out with Carly and gets drunk, then returns home in a very bad state. The next day, Kate returns to Carly’s door to have dinner with Carly, who after some hesitation she accepts her. The two get drunk and spend an evening together having fun and getting along well. Carly advises Kate to “Sharpen their weapons” and promises her that she and Mark will never see each other again. Meanwhile, Carly pretended to be Kate’s decorator, so as not to be discovered by her brother, Phil, for whom she immediately expresses a certain physical attraction.
“Tutte Contro Lui“ Release Date and Time, Cast Details
Name | Tutte Contro Lui (The Other Woman) |
Director | Nick Cassavetes |
Producers | Julie Yorn |
Category | Entertainment |
Genre | Comedy |
Cast |
Release Date | 31 March 2014 |
“Tutte Contro Lui” Main Casting on Movie
- Cameron Diaz : Carly Whitten
- Leslie Mann : Kate King
- Kate Upton : Amber Nikolaj
- Coster-Waldau : Mark King
- Nicki Minaj : Lydia
- Taylor Kinney : Phil
Tutte Contro Lui Released on Which OTT Flatform?
NA, Check whether its available? on Amazon Prime
“Tutte Contro Lui“(The Other Woman) Official Trailer!
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