What You Should Know Before Getting an Extended Tummy Tuck

What is a tummy tuck with a longer incision?

An extended tummy tuck is similar to a regular tummy tuck — also known as an abdominoplasty — except that it targets the flank area or love handles between the waist and hips, rather than just the stomach.

According to Dr. Leena Jain, an excellent from Mumbai, an extended tummy tuck may also target excess skin on the lateral thigh in some cases.

People who have lost a lot of weight have excess skin and want to slim the appearance of their stomach, and flanks are ideal candidates for an extended tummy tuck.

What is the procedure for an extended tummy tuck?

Extended tummy tucks remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen while repairing loosened or torn muscles.

An incision above the pubic hairline covering the lower back removes skin and fat from the stomach and flanks.

The belly button is reattached, and the skin is laid flat, giving it a smoother, flatter appearance.

Extended tummy tuck procedure

  • The surgeon will usually make an incision in the middle of your hip bones during an extended tummy tuck, low within the pubic region. They may reopen the same scar if you have a tummy tuck after a C-section.
  • Muscles that have been severed during pregnancy will be sewn together to give them a taut appearance. Diastasis recti, or a splitting of the abdominal muscles, can be corrected with full tummy tucks.
  • If there is excess fat, the belly button will be removed, and liposuction may be performed.
  • The excess skin on the tummy and flanks is removed, and the skin is pulled taut.
  • Finally, unless you and your surgeon decide to change the shape of your belly button, it is sutured in its original position.

Extended tummy tuck areas that need to be targeted

According to Dr. Leena Jain, an expert plastic surgeon from Mumbai, extended tummy tucks work on: 

  • The upper and lower stomachs, 
  • The waist
  • The flanks
  • The uppermost lateral portion of the thigh.

Are there any dangers or negative consequences?

Like any other surgery, extended tummy tucks come with some risks and side effects.

Complications and side effects may include: 

  • Numbness after surgery, which is usually temporary
  • Extra blood or fluid pooling within the abdomen
  • Redness and swelling 
  • Internal organ puncture is uncommon but could be caused by a cannula (a tube that removes extra fluids from the body) penetrating too profoundly and puncturing an organ.
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Following an extended tummy tuck, what can you expect?

  • What actions to evade and how long
  • If and when you can drink alcohol and specific medicines or supplements
  • How long to wear your compression garment
  • How to manage your drainage tubes, if your surgeon uses them
  • When to schedule a follow-up appointment

Although your abdominal area will be swollen and bandaged, you will be able to see some results right away.

For the first few weeks, you’ll probably be advised to lie down at an angle and avoid strenuous activity or lifting heavy objects.

Most of the swelling should have gone down by the 2- to 3-month mark, though there may still be some scarring, which should fade over time.

You will see the full results after six to a year, which should be permanent unless you gain weight quickly or have a pregnancy.

Getting ready for a more extended tummy tuck

According to Dr. Leena Jain, Mumbai’s plastic surgeon, you’ll probably need a blood panel before your extended tummy tuck to make sure you’re in good health.

It would help if you met your surgeon to go over your expectations. You’ll also need to arrange for a ride home.

You may also be told to:

  • Stop smoking
  • Limit alcohol
  • Stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs (like aspirin) and certain herbal supplements, which could potentially worsen bleeding or prevent proper clotting

Traditional tummy tuck vs. extended tummy tuck

The procedures for an extended tummy tuck and a traditional tummy tuck are very similar. 

The primary distinction is that an extended tummy tuck handles the love handles, the flanks between the waist and hip.

An extended tummy tuck is often more expensive, takes longer to complete, and may require a longer recovery time after surgery due to the additional procedure.

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