CBI has been questioning for six days continuously in the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput case. The Central Investigation Agency has so far questioned for five hours a person who was close to or kept in touch with Sushant Singh Rajput.
In the CBI interrogation, the fifth person has been entered on the sixth day. This person is none other than the watchman of Sushant’s apartment, Mont Blanc. The watchman of the building was called for questioning by the investigating agency on Wednesday, after which he reached the DRDO guest house in the evening. The CBI has questioned the people close to Sushant several times in DRDO.
Sushant was found dead in his flat in the Mont Blanc apartment in Bandra, on 14 June. At that time, his friend Siddharth Pithani, cook Neeraj Singh and domestic help Deepesh Sawant were present in his flat. So far, the CBI has interrogated Sushant’s chartered accountant Sandeep Sridhar, his friend Siddharth Pithani, housekeeper Dipesh Sawant and Cook Neeraj after assuming responsibility for the investigation in the entire case. At the same time, Sandeep, Sushant’s CA, was questioned in the DRDO guest house on Tuesday morning.
The CBI team has continued to interrogate Sushant’s friend Siddharth Pithani for the sixth consecutive day on Wednesday. An official said that Pithani was being questioned for several hours at the DRDO guest house in Kalina in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, a Bandra Police team reached the DRDO Guest House and left the place after about an hour, the official said.
Maharashtra: The watchman of # SushantSinghRajput ‘s residence-Mont Blanc Apartment, arrives at the DRDO guest house in Mumbai, where the CBI team investigating the actor’s death case is staying. pic.twitter.com/tNkjkeENxb
– ANI (@ANI) August 26, 2020
At the same time, another team of CBI visited the Government Cooper Hospital where the postmortem of Rajput was done. On Saturday, CBI officers took Pithani, Neeraj and Sawant to a Rajput flat and recounted the events before the actor was found dead on 14 June. The three were again taken to the flat on Sunday and were questioned at the DRDO guest house.
CBI is investigating on the orders of the Supreme Court
At the same time, on August 19, the Supreme Court ruled on Riya’s plea seeking transfer of the FIR lodged in Patna to Mumbai. The CBI team left for Mumbai a few days after the court handed over the investigation in the case of actor Sushant to the Central Investigation Agency (CBI). The entire case took a new turn after Sushant’s father KK Singh filed an FIR against Riya Chakraborty and others in Patna.